

Welcome to Priceless! A project born in the pandemic combining art, true crime, mystery, and insatiable curiosity. Stick around, read a few articles, enjoy!


“Worthless” Priceless Salt Cellar

We’ve talked before about the trap that art thieves can sometimes fall into of having an incredibly valuable work in their possession but being unable to cash in on that value, well this story takes that to the extreme.

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Wolfgang Beltracchi

How did a hippie who was drifting around aimlessly pull off what some call the biggest, most lucrative scam in the art world? And how did he finally get caught? Let’s explore it together and find out.

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Church of San Vincenzo in Modena Theft

In the Church of San Vincenzo in Modena, Italy there is a masterpiece of a painting. Created between 1629-1630 by Italian artist Guercino, this is considered to be one of his best and most important works. So how did it disappear in 2014 with no signs of forced entry?

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