
Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

East German Art Heist

42 years ago there was a robbery at an East German castle. The perpetrators made off with a real bounty; five paintings done by masters or other notable artists. They got away free and clear and the paintings haven’t been seen since. That is, until this year.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

What is David Holding in his Right Hand?

Michelangelo’s statue of David is maybe one of the most famous statues in the world. He’s printed on t-shirts, aprons, tea towels, even underwear. Most people know him but what has remained debated is what he’s holding in his right hand (the one not holding the sling).

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Stolen Iraqi Artefacts

Looting of artifacts from countries at war and under colonial rule isn’t anything new but the sheer number of things removed from Iraq, especially during the Iraq War is not to be believed. Who let this happen and where are the artifacts now?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Picasso’s Guernica Vandalism

Almost one year after Pablo Picasso’s death, in February 1974 a man enters the MOMA with a plan. He walks directly up to Picasso’s famous masterpiece Guernica and paints three, foot-high words across it in red spray paint. But who was he and what was his motivation? Even more interestingly, where is he now?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

NFT Scams

Non-Fungible Tokens (or NFTs) have been taking the internet by storm. They can be anything but those in the form of digital art pieces have become a prime target for scammers. Since most people don’t know a ton about NFTs and this emerging market they can easily be taken for a ride.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Museu Chácara do Céu Robbery

Four thieves in 2006 pull off a robbery of some of the most valuable paintings in the world. 15 years later and there has been no sign of the paintings, how did they accomplish this and what happened to the works??

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi

A newly discovered painting by an old master will always be something that gets people excited, especially if that master is Leonardo da Vinci himself. da Vinci only has between 15 and 20 paintings verified to be his work so something new is a real find. However, is this painting really the discovery that some think it is?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

The Ghent Altarpiece

If you thought Rembrandt’s Jacob de Gheyn III had been stolen a lot, strap in. The work we’ll be discussing today, The Ghent Altarpiece (also called Adoration of the Mystic Lamb), has been involved in at least 13 different crimes. Let’s touch on a few of the major ones.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Picasso’s Hidden Paintings

This week’s article is less of a crime and more of a mystery. Under a few iconic Picasso paintings, conservators and curators have noticed some previously unknown portraits. Why did Picasso choose to paint over these works and who are these people covered up by a new composition? Turns out this is a topic that has caused much debate, let’s find out.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Musée Marmottan Theft

Musée Marmottan, an often overlooked Paris museum, boasts the largest collection of Claude Monet paintings in the world. This made it the perfect target for thieves that wanted some of the most well known and valuable Impressionist paintings of all time.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Han van Meegeren

Spoiler, we’re talking about yet another art forger today. This guy is on another level though, Han van Meegeren is sometimes called the boldest modern forger of Old Masters. So what exactly did he do, how did people find out, and what do the Nazis have to do with it?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

The Theft that Made Mona Lisa Famous

I’ve written about the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci before but what made this painting so famous? She is one of the most widely recognized pieces of art in the world today but this wasn’t always the case. Before 1911, Mona Lisa was only really popular in some artist circles. So, the question remains, how and why did she shoot to fame?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

The Crimes of Caravaggio

You might know Caravaggio from his masterful use of light in his paintings or from another article here where I talked about the theft of his Nativity with St. Frances and St. Lawrence. But what I bet you didn’t know is that he was actually not a good guy and committed a number of crimes in his lifetime.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

van Gogh Museum Robberies

It really seems like there are a few artists whose work just keeps being the target for thieves. We’ve talked a little about how Rembrandt is like that but so is van Gogh. The van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam was opened in 1973 and since then it has been robbed twice, each time multiple paintings were stolen.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Hans-Joachim Bohlmann

I know you’re probably thinking “who the heck is that?!” Don’t worry, I was too. But this man has done over €138 million in damage to famous, beautiful paintings. What compelled him to do this? How did he manage to pull this off so many times? Let's find out.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Degas’ Dancer Making Points

A New York City heiress, the founder of H&R Block, and the FBI. These three groups of people are linked in the most unlikely way through a Degas painting called Dancer Making Points. She has changed hands many times and the story of how she ended up where she is, is odd, to say the least.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Knoedler Gallery Fraud

I am on a roll with fraud cases right now, there’s something so fascinating about being able to fool people whose JOB it is to recognize authentic art and appraise it. This time we have New York’s Knoedler Gallery at the centre of the story and over two dozen fake works. Let’s discuss.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Robbery

Ok boys and girls, we have a homegrown mystery on our hands. In Montreal in 1972, 18 paintings were stolen from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in an event sometimes called The Skylight Caper. Sounds like an Agatha Christie tbh but I can’t give you the perfect ending that she would have. Definitely worth the read anyway.

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

John Drewe and John Myatt Art Fraud

The works of John Drewe and John Myatt have been called the ‘biggest contemporary art fraud of the century’, needless to say, this one’s a real doozy. These two men are said to have faked over 200 works of art fooling collectors and experts alike for years. How did they do it?

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Maggie Kent Maggie Kent

Rembrandt’s Jacob de Gheyn III Thefts

Yes, you read that right, thefts. Plural. This one specific, small, Rembrandt painting has been stolen four whole times. Let’s review these four incidents and talk a little bit about why this particular painting is just so irresistible to thieves. 

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